1Department of Pharmacy, Nazeer Hussain University, Karachi, Pakistan
2Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan
3Department of Pharmacy, Sohail University, Karachi, Pakistan
4Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nazeer Hussain University, Karachi, Pakistan
5Department of Pharmacology, SBB Deewan University, Karachi, Pakistan
*Corresponding Author:
Hira Akhtar, Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Karachi,
Email: dr.hiraakhtar@gmail.com
Received: 21-Oct-2024, Manuscript No. AJOPY-24-152093;
Editor assigned: 23-Oct-2024, Pre QC No. AJOPY-24-152093 (PQ);
Reviewed: 06-Nov-2024, QC No. AJOPY-24-152093;
Revised: 13-Nov-2024, Manuscript No. AJOPY-24-152093 (R);
22-Nov-2024, DOI: 10.54615/2231-7805.47383
Objective: The basic aim of the study is to create awareness and evaluate the knowledge,
attitude and perception of youngsters towards the use of e-cigarette.
Methodology: A questionnaire based survey was generated through Google form and
circulated through social media platforms the target audience age was 18 years-40 years’ data were analyzed through Statistical Software (SPSS).
Results and Discussion: In this study n=1000 participants were participated in the survey
450 were females and 550 were males, the participants were 18 years-20 years of age included
(50) males and (100) females, 20 years-30 years (200) males and (100) females whereas
30 years-40 years of age included (300) males and (250) females, among them n=433 use
vape/e-cigarette while n=567 do not use this. N=113 respondent respond that they don’t
know that e-cigarette have harmful ingredients in it, n=285 participants faced depression,
anxiety and mood swings without it whereas n=334 respond that its consumption causes
severe mental and physical health.
Conclusion: The basic aim of the survey is to create awareness among users to reduce
and prevent the use of vape-cigarette as it causes severe consequences towards the health
this study enhances the power of health system that in collaboration of school and offices
through awareness session can reduce its use.
Psychiatry; Depression; E-cigarette; Mental Disturbance; Anxiety; Enjoyment
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are a sort of
new type of nicotine conveyance gadget and the
pervasiveness of their utilization is quickly filling
in numerous countries [1]. The first of these gadgets
that began the pattern being used we portray
in this report was imagined by a Chinese drug
specialist, Hon Lik, in 2003 [2]. The United States
patent application for the gadget expresses that the
item is “An electronic atomization cigarette that
capabilities as substitutes for stopping smoking and cigarette substitutes” [3]. The electronic-cigarette
(e-cigarette) is an electronic gadget, otherwise
called Vape, containing a cartridge loaded up with
fluid nicotine or potentially different synthetic
compounds, delivering smoking suspension [4].
Nicotine is an exceptionally drug and youths and
youthful grown-ups might be at high gamble of
fixation [5]. Nicotine withdrawal impacts are
like irritation, nervousness, unfortunate focus,
memory debilitation and sleep deprivation can
happen after discontinuance of constant nicotine
use [3]. E-cigarettes have been proposed as a way to diminish nicotine reliance and are accounted for
to be less habit-forming than customary cigarettes.
Nonetheless, various records demonstrate that
people can build a reliance on e-cigarettes,
encountering normal side effects related with
nicotine habit. Moreover, the utilization of
e-cigarettes has been connected to an expanded
gamble of compulsion, especially among youths,
who might be presented to more elevated levels
of nicotine contrasted with the people who smoke
regular cigarettes, as e-cigarettes are much of
the time utilized in conditions where smoking is
disallowed. While a promoter for e-cigarettes as
a device to help with smoking discontinuance
or to relieve habit, others have detailed that
their utilization might impede fruitful stopping
endeavors. The effect of e-cigarettes on diminishing
the recurrence of nicotine utilization stays
huge. Given the vulnerability encompassing the
potential for dependence on e-cigarettes, we have
chosen to lead a review pointed toward inspecting
the examples of e-cigarette use among selective
e-cigarette clients and double clients, as well as
researching the impacts of e-cigarettes among
youthful grown-ups who use either cigarettes or
e-cigarettes. The electronic E-cigarette comprises
of a battery, a microprocessor, a red circle
recreating a consuming cigarette tip, a cartridge
containing a fluid (propylene glycol in water)
and a vaporization chamber, which produce a
spray that reproduces the smoke of a Cigarette.
Quantitative and subjective investigations have
recognized a wide assortment of compound
parts in the cartridges, top off arrangements and
vapor sprayers of e-cigarettes. E-liquid seasoning
compounds have additionally been displayed to
add to expanded degrees of unsafe carbonyls (for
the most part) or furans (for instance, furfurals
coming about because of the warming of sugars).
Vreeke and partners showed that not all seasoning
particles break down straightforwardly into the
essential items noticed. For example, Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance (NMR) investigation
uncovered that 13C-named triacetin converts
into acidic corrosive, which thusly catalyzes the
debasement of propylene glycol and glycerol
into acrolein, acetaldehyde and formaldehyde
hemiacetals. Examinations were coordinated
by a singular study place, Lab stat worldwide
Unlimited Liability Corporation (ULC) (Labstat;
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada), with the exception
of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and radioactive
isotopes, which were subcontracted by Lab stat
to outside labs [6]. Smoking machine limits for
the assessment of tobacco smoke constituents have been the subject of much debate [6]. The
extended puff volume, more restricted inter puff range and anxious ventilation openings lead
to higher smoke yields than those under the
International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) conditions and though furthermore doubtful
to address veritable human receptiveness, are seen
as by a many individuals to be more representative
than ISO data. In the continuous survey, Human
Computer Interaction (HCI) limits were used to
make tobacco smoke releases for coming about
poison measurement [6].
At this point, there are no standardized e-cigarette
puffing limits for logical assessments. Studies
have uncovered the use of a broad assortment of
puffing limits by e-cigarette buyers and various
characteristics have been used in machine-based
shower science assessments [7]. Several studies
reported use of e-cigarette cause mental as well
as physical health side effects Vape cigarette
has several health impacts as well as on mental
health causes psychiatric issues such as anxiety,
depression, violence and suicidebility. Several
articles reported the negative impact of e-cigarette
on mental health mood and anxiety disorder
related to e-cigarette [8].
Materials and Methods
A questionnaire based survey was conducted
from August, 2024 to October, 2024. Google
form was designed and the link of which was
circulated through social media platforms and
collected data were analyzed using Statistical
Software (SPSS). A cross sectional approach
was undertaken to assess the use of e-cigarette
and its impact on mental and physical health.
The relevant information was collected online by
inviting potential participants’ aged 18 years to 40
years through social networks and email in order
to achieve a representative sample. Language for
questionnaire was in English, the questionnaire
included demographic factor, frequency of vape
of participants and their knowledge, attitude and
perception regarding e-cigarette.
This methodology outlines a comprehensive
approach to examining the effects of e-cigarettes
on the physical and mental health of young
individuals through a cross-sectional study. By
combining quantitative data on e-cigarette usage
and health outcomes with statistical analysis, the
study aims to provide valuable insights that can
inform public health policies and interventions targeting e-cigarette use among young people.
Sample size
Sample size n=1000, which included males and
females both data were analyzed through SPSS.
Results and Discussion
The basic aim of the study is to evaluate the
knowledge, attitude and perception towards the
use of e-cigarette and their impact on mental and
physical health among youngsters. A to the point
relevant questionnaire was designed on Google
form and circulated through several social media
platforms language of the questionnaire quite
easy to answer these questions. In this study 1000
participants were involved in which 450 were
female and 550 were male, the participants were
18 years-20 years of age included (50) males and
(100) females, 20 years-30 years (200) males
and (100) females whereas 30 years-40 years of
age included (300) males and (250) females, the
employment status include (10) male, (5) female
of 18 years-20 years of age were employed, 20
years-30 years (150) males and (20) females were
employed and 30 years-40 years of age (240)
males and (25) females were employed. (40)
males and (90) females of 18 years-20 years of age
were un employed, (50) males and (80) females
of 20 years-30 years of age were un employed
and 30 years-40 years of age were un employed,
(60) males and (225) females were un employed.
The use of e-cigarette was started around 2009 as
an alternative [9]. In this study (40) males of 18
years-20 years of age use vape/e-cigarette whereas
(3) females of same age use vape, (100) males
of 20 years-30 years of age use vape/e-cigarette
whereas (10) females of same age use vape and
(250) males of 30 years-40 years of age use vape/
e-cigarette whereas (30) females of same age use
vape while, the participants 18 years-20 years of
age included (10) males and (97) females do not
use e-cigarette, the participants 20 years-30 years
of age included (100) males and (90) females
do not use e-cigarette while the participants 30
years-40 years of age included (50) males and
(220) females do not use e-cigarette as shown in Table 1. In this study consumption of e-cigarette
was more than twice a day n=(314) males and
females of all ages consume e-cigarette twice a day
Propylene glycol and glycerin are the main base
ingredients of the e-liquid. Exposure to propylene
glycol can cause eye and respiratory irritation
and prolonged or repeated inhalation in industrial settings may affect the central nervous system,
behavior and the spleen [10]. When heated and
vaporized, propylene glycol can form propylene
oxide, an International Agency for Research on
Cancer class 2B carcinogen and glycerol forms
acrolein, which can cause upper respiratory
tract irritation [11]. In this study the participants
18 years-20 years of age (10) males and (03)
females were aware regarding the harmful effect
of e-cigarette while (30) males were unaware
regarding the harmful effects, the participants 20
years-30 years of age (15) males and (5) females were aware while (85) males and 5 (females)
were not aware, while the participants 30 years-40
years of age (150) males and (15) females were
aware the harmful effect of the use e-cigarette
while (100) males and (15) females were not aware
regarding the hazardous effects of e-cigarette Vape
cigarette has several health impacts as well as on
mental health causes psychiatric issues such as
anxiety, depression violence and suicidebility.
Several articles reported the negative impact of
e cigar ate on mental health mood and anxiety
disorder related to e-cigarette [7]. In this study
findings 18 years-20 years of age (28) males and
(03) females faced depression, anxiety and mood
swings without it while (12) males were faced
any depression without its use, the participants 20
years-30 years of age (82) males and (7) females
were faced depression while (18) males and
(3) females were not, while the participants 30
years-40 years of age (100) males and (15) females
were faced anxiety, depression while (100) males
and (15) females were not faced any depression.
e-cigarette cause both physical and mental health
as ingredients in e-cigarette Propylene glycol
and glycerin are the vitally base elements of the
e-fluid. Openness to propylene glycol can be a
basis for eye and respiratory exacerbation, more,
drawn out or rehashed inward breath in modern
settings might influence the focal sensory system,
conduct and the spleen.
Table 1. Demographic factors of participants (n=1000).
Age |
Gender |
Employed |
Use of Vape/e-cigarette |
Employed |
Un employed |
Yes |
No |
Males |
Females |
Males |
Females |
Males |
Females |
Males |
Females |
Males |
Females |
18-20 |
50 |
100 |
10 |
5 |
40 |
90 |
40 |
3 |
10 |
97 |
20-30 |
200 |
100 |
150 |
20 |
50 |
80 |
100 |
10 |
100 |
90 |
30-40 |
300 |
250 |
240 |
25 |
60 |
225 |
250 |
30 |
50 |
220 |
In this study, the participants 18 years-20 years
of age (15) males and (3) females were agreed
that e-cigarette causes mental and physical health
issues while (25) males and (0) females were not
believed that it causes any mental and physical
issue, while the participants 20 years-30 years
of age (70) males and (7) females faced mental
and physical health issues while (30) males and
(03) females were not faced do not think that it
causes mental and health issues. The participants
30 years-40 years of age (215) males and (24)
females faced mental and physical health issues while (35) males and (06) females were not faced
do not think that it causes mental and health
issues. The basic aim of the study is to highlight the health issues and concern related to mental and
physical health after the use of e-cigarette as it is
more common in youngsters (Table 2) [12].
Table 2. Questions regarding frequency, knowledge, attitude and perception regarding e-cigarette (n=1000).
Age |
Gender |
Frequency of Vape |
Knowledge of health hazard substances |
Increased depression and anxiety with mood swings without its use |
E-cigarette doesn’t cause any harm on mental/physical health |
Twice a day |
More than twice a day |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
18-20 |
Male |
15 |
25 |
10 |
30 |
28 |
12 |
15 |
25 |
Female |
3 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
20-30 |
Male |
40 |
60 |
15 |
85 |
82 |
18 |
70 |
30 |
Female |
7 |
3 |
5 |
5 |
7 |
3 |
7 |
3 |
30-40 |
Male |
25 |
225 |
60 |
190 |
150 |
100 |
215 |
35 |
Female |
27 |
3 |
20 |
10 |
15 |
15 |
24 |
6 |
Electronic cigarette smoking is expanding around
the world, in spite of the fact that its utilization
is exceptionally disputable. It can cause sickness,
regurgitating, migraine, shuddering, unsteadiness,
stifling, consume wounds, dryness of the eyes
and mucous layer, arrival of cytokines and pro
inflammatory go between, upper respiratory plot
aggravation, unfavorably susceptible aviation
route irritation, diminished breathed Nitric oxide
(NO) blend in cellular breakdown in the lungs.
As it is more common in young generation it is the
duty of health department to make collaborative
efforts with offices and schools to provide awareness
regarding e-cigarette usage and arrange programs
that how they can get rid of the dependency of
this device. The findings of this study represents
the significant effects of electronic cigarette
(e-cigarette) use on both the physical and mental
health of youngsters. Physical health impacts,
including respiratory issues, cardiovascular risks
and potential long-term complications, highlight
the harmful consequences of vaping.
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Citation: Effects of Electronic Cigarettes on Physical and Mental Health Among Youngsters: A Cross Sectional Study ASEAN
Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 25 (9) November, 2024; 1-5.