Stress has been designated as the “Health
Epidemic of the 21st century” and poses a critical
risk to health and life. Furthermore, stress has
been associated with the six major causes of
death, such as heart disease, liver disease, cancer,
lung ailments, accidents and suicide and has
been associated with the development of mental
disorders. The consequences of stress signify the
relevance to investigate the factors influencing the
development and emergency of stress. Crum et al.,
point out that not stress itself, but rather the stress
mindset, the extent to which an individual holds
either a positive or negative attitude towards stress,
is significant in determining the consequences of
stress [1]. It was shown that stress can lead to
positive outcomes if a positive mindset (“a stressis-
enhancing mindset”) compared to a negative
mindset towards stress (“a stress-is debilitating
mindset”) is exposed by an individual. A negative
mindset towards stress, in contrast, can lead
to anxiety and panic if the anticipatory action
process is not channeled correctly. The current
study assumed that individuals endorsing a more
positive mindset exhibit less anxiety compared to individuals with a negative stress mindset.
Furthermore, the current study presumed that this
association was mediated by an individual’s ability
to experience, endure and withstand negative
emotional states.
Stress mindset
An individual’s mindset towards stress can be
defined as the degree to which it holds the belief
that stress has enhancing consequences for various
stress-related outcomes regarding productivity
and performance, wellbeing and health, growth
and learning (“referred to as a “stress-is-enhancing
mindset”) or holds the belief of stress as having
more detrimental effects (referred to as a “stressis-
debilitating mindset”) for the same outcomes.
The stress mindset theory assumes that the stress
mindset an individual adopts is related to overall
life satisfaction and shapes the overall stress
responses. Crum et al., found that individuals
who express a stress-is-enhancing mindset display
more approach-oriented behaviour responses
and more adaptive physiological responses
when confronted with stress [1]. Individuals
endorsing a stress-is-enhancing mindset exposed to immediately stressful situations are more
receptive towards feedback and exhibit moderate
cortisol reactivity, making them more likely
to display optimal arousal levels to meet goals
and demands but not so much as to compromise
actions to meet their goals. Reversely, individuals
adopting a stress-is-debilitating mindset exhibit
hypo or hyper activated arousal levels, making
them prone towards avoidance, denial or other
counteractive strategies such as medications or
substance use in the face of immediate stress. In
sum, a stress-is-enhancing mindset leads to more
positive adaptions, which, in contrast to a stressis-
debilitating mindset, allow the endorser to deal
successfully with stress.
Recently, stress mindset has been linked to an array
of bodily reactions that increase resilience which
leads to more positive outcomes and consequences
of an individual confronted with stress. Crum et
al., revealed that a stress-is-enhancing mindset
produces sharper increases in anabolic (“growth”)
hormones compared to a stress-is-debilitating
mindset under both threat and challenge
evaluations [1]. It was shown that individuals with
a stress-is-enhancing mindset experience greater
increases in Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS)
and greater increases in positive emotions
compared to those endorsing a stress-is-debilitating
mindset. The anabolic and anti-glucocorticoid
effects of DHEAS, especially in combination
with its promoting effects on positive mood and
physiological resilience, can improve resilience
under stress and one’s capability in dealing with
future stressors [2,3]. In sum, the anabolic and antiglucocorticoid
effects of DHEAS, with its effects
on positive mood and physiological resilience,
can enhance resilience which was associated with
the capacity to experience and to deal with future
stressors, that is, distress tolerance.
Distress tolerance
Dysregulated behaviour, in combination with low
distress tolerance, is common in disorders related
to anxiety. Distress Tolerance (DT), which has
been defined in different ways, such as the capacity
to experience and withstand negative emotional
psychological states, or (1) the perceived capacity
to withstand negative emotional and/or other
aversive states, and (2) the behavioural act of
withstanding distressing internal states evoked by
some type of stressor, has received little empirical
exploration [4,5]. DT is assumed to affect the
evaluation and consequences of experiencing negative emotional states and those who are low in
DT are more prone to be overly reactive to stress
and distress. Crum et al., suggest that individuals
low in DT engage in maladaptive coping strategies
to avoid inconvenient situations associated with
negative emotional states [1]. Correspondingly,
individuals avoiding inconvenient situations
associated with negative emotional states by using
ineffective coping strategies such as ritualizing
behaviours, avoidance and safety aids maintain
those problems. In line with this reasoning, DT
has been associated with borderline personality
disorder, self-injurious behaviour, gambling and
substance use disorder [6-10].
Previous research showed an association between
DT and anxiety. It was shown that individuals
low in DT are more prone or sensitive towards
anxiety related problems, such as panic disorder,
agoraphobia, anxiety sensitivity, post-traumatic
stress disorder and suicidal behaviour [11-13].
Perspectives on DT suggest that individuals low
in DT may be more prone to avoid distress and
its detrimental consequences. Those consistently
unable to withstand anxiety-related situations
may not become habituated to feared sensations
and miss the opportunity to develop self-efficacy
to manage those situations. Low DT thus not
only maintains, but potentiates anxiety problems.
Correspondingly, low DT was associated with
high levels of anxiety [14].
The association between stress mindset and DT
has not been examined before. Previous research
did show an association between stress mindset
and resilience, a related concept of DT. Resilience,
defined as “dynamic process encompassing
positive adaption within the context of significant
adversity”, acts as a protective factor which can
“modify, ameliorate, or alter a person’s response
to some environmental hazard that predisposes a
maladaptive outcome” [15,16]. Although specific
conceptualisations of DT vary in their degree
and overlap with putatively related constructs, it
primarily focuses, similarly to resilience, which
highlights the capacity to resist stress and adversity,
on the actual or perceived behavioural capacity
to withstand exposure to threatening or aversive
states [17-19]. Resilience and DT may share
therefore not only a conceptual link, but similar
underlying processes, making both to protective
factors against a multitude of psychopathologies
such as traumata [20]. The effects found for a
stress-is-enhancing mindset and resilience might
therefore be similar for DT. DT is, however, more suitable for interventions aimed at reducing anxiety
because it is not a stable personality characteristic,
making it more amenable to interventions.
The ubiquitous and pervasive relevance of anxiety
in contemporary life has been already recognised
during the 1960s. According to Spielberger, anxiety
seems to be a fact of modern life [21]. Bandelow
suggests that up to 33.7% of the population is
affected by an anxiety disorder at least one time
during their lifetime [22]. Anxiety disorders are
highly comorbid with other anxiety and mental
health disorders, and substantial low detection
rate und under treatment of these disorders have
been demonstrated. The learning theory of anxiety
suggests that anxiety is a conditionable part of
fear serving as a secondary drive in which an
unconditioned stimulus, such as a shock, can cause
unconditioned response, such as fear a pain [23].
Subsequently, the conditioned response, in this
case fear, is reinforced by escape behaviour that
reduces the fear. Fear-conditioning is central to a
many etiological accounts of anxiety disorders,
including its contention of over generalisations,
which is the conditioned fear to simuli resembling
the conditioned danger cue, and illustrates one
of the most robust abnormalities in anxiety
disorders, such as Generalised Anxiety Disorder
(GAD). The findings indicate a single underlying
process in the etiology of anxiety, extending to a
generalised form of anxiety as measured in this
Crum et al., linked the stress mindset endorsed
by an individual to reported levels of anxiety [1].
Experiments showed that individuals endorsing
a stress-is-enhancing mindset report fewer
symptoms of anxiety and depression while at
the same time reporting higher levels of energy.
In contrast, individuals exposing a stress-isdebilitating
mindset reported more symptoms
of anxiety compared to individuals exhibiting
a stress-is-enhancing mindset. Crum et al.,
proposed that the mindset an individual adopts
determines the attitude and the manner with which
an individual engages with stressful events [1].
Individuals adopting a stress-is-enhancing mindset
are more likely to engage in activities that help to
achieve their aims, which at the same time reduces
the underlying distress. In contrast, individuals adopting a stress-is-debilitating mindset show
rather behaviour patterns aimed to avoid distress
and its detrimental consequences. Avoidance
behaviour results thus in greater inability to
tolerate stress; therefore, it can be assumed that
avoidance behaviour towards anxiety-eliciting
contexts leads to poorer ability to withstand those
instances, or lower levels of DT, and higher levels
of anxiety. Those who avoid feared sensations
may become less habituated and develop thus no
self-efficacy mechanisms to deal with anxietyrelated
situations. Contrary, a positive stress
mindset should reduce avoidance behaviour,
increasing thus levels of DT and reduce general
anxiety levels.
Present Research
Based on the literature review, several assumptions
can be made regarding the relationship between
stress mindset, DT and anxiety, as illustrated
in Figures 1 and 2. The corresponding research
question of this study is: What is the relationship
between stress mindset, distress tolerance and
Crum et al., suggest that the stress mindset
an individual endorses leads to approach or
avoidance behaviour within stress-related
contexts [1]. Individuals endorsing a stress-isdebilitating
mindset are prone to avoid anxietyrelated
contexts, become thus less habituated
and less able to withstand feared sensations,
which may lead to lower DT and heightened
baseline levels of anxiety. A stress-is-enhancing
mindset, in contrast, should increase DT and
reduce anxiety levels since those who confront
themselves with emotional stressful situations
should become better to deal with corresponding
Following hypotheses have been proposed in the
current study:
Hypotheses 1: A stress-is-debilitating mindset is
associated with higher levels of anxiety, which
is mediated by lower levels of distress tolerance (Figure 1).
Hypotheses 2: A stress-is-enhancing mindset is
associated with low levels of anxiety, which is
mediated by higher levels of distress tolerance (Figure 2).
Methods and Methodology
From the initial 117 participants, 13 (11.1%)
were excluded due to non-completion of the
questionnaires. The resulting 104 participants
encompassed 32 (30.8%) male and 72 (69.2%)
female participants. The age ranged between 18
and 51 years (M=21.27; SD=3.62) and most the
participants (98%) were at maximum 26 years old.
The highest educational qualification ranged from
high school degree, possessed by 86 (82.7%) of
the participants, to an associate degree, obtained
by 3 (2.9%) of the participants. The bachelor’s and
master’s degree was completed by 13 (12.5%) and
2 (1.9%) of the participants, respectively. Most
of the participants indicated German nationality
with 80 (76.9%) responses, followed by Dutch
or another nationality, as represented by 9 (8.7%)
and 15 (14.4%) participants, respectively. English
was the Mother tongue of 5 (4.8%) participants.
Furthermore, 86 (82.7%) participants indicated a
proficient English level, while 13 (12.5%) reported
an intermediate English level.
Demographics and general information
Participants had to indicate their gender (male, female), age (in years), nationality, primary
occupation and their currently highest completed
educational level. Additionally, participants were
asked to indicate their English proficiency to
evaluate whether they understood the items and
the questionnaires adequately.
State-trait anxiety inventory
The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) is a 20-
item self-administered questionnaire measuring
state and trait anxiety exhibiting an excellent
internal consistency, good test-retest reliability
and concurrent, discriminant, construct and
convergent validity for the trait scale [24,25]. The
STAI trait scale exhibited an excellent internal
consistency of α=0.94 for the current study. An
example of the STAI trait scale would be “I worry
too much over something that really doesn’t
matter”. Items are rated on a 4-point Likert scale
(1=not at all to 4=very much).
Distress tolerance scale
The Distress Tolerance Scale (DTS) is a 14-
item self-administered questionnaire measuring
emotional distress tolerance. The DTS exhibits
convergent, construct, discriminant and criterion
validity and adequate test-retest reliability as well as good to excellent internal consistency. The
DTS exhibited in the current study an excellent
internal consistency of α=0.91. An example of
the DTS would be “Feeling distressed or upset is
unbearable to me.” Items are rated on a 5-point
Likert scale (5=Strongly disagree to 1=Strongly
Stress Mindset Measure (SMM)
The Stress Mindset Measure (SMM) is an 8-item
self-administered questionnaire evaluating an
individual’s stress mindset. The SMM exhibits
good internal consistency, discriminant and
criterion validity. Participants had to indicate
how much they agree to statements such as
“Experiencing stress enhances my performance
and productivity” on a 5-point-Likert-scale
(0=Strongly disagree; 4=Strongly agree). The
SMM was divided into two subscales for the
purposes of the current study. The stress-isenhancing
subscale had a poor (α=0.69) and
the stress-is-debilitating an acceptable (α=0.72)
internal consistency. An example of the stressis-
enhancing subscale would be “Experiencing
stress facilitates my learning and growth”. The
stress-is-debilitating subscale included items such
as “The effects of stress are negative and should
be avoided.” A factor-analysis was conducted to
test whether the division of the SMM into two
subscales was adequate for the purpose of the
current research. A Goodness-of-fit test indicated
two factors as the most appropriate number of
factors to extract from the data (χ2 (13) = 39.80,
p<0.001). The positive formulated items loaded on
the one factor and the negative on the other factor.
The current study was approved by the ethics
committee of the Behavioural Management and
Social sciences (BMS) of the University of Twente.
Students must obtain a certain number of Sonacredits
at the University of Twente in order to pass
successfully their psychology bachelor’s degree.
Furthermore, Sona-systems provide a platform for
researchers at the University of Twente to collect
participants for their studies. Sona-systems were
used in the current study to gather participants, a
sample pool largely based on students in need of
Sona-credits to pass their course successfully. The
data collection period started at the third and ended
on the 26th of April. The questionnaires were
transformed using the online platform Qualtrics.
After the recruitment, participants were debriefed
about the research content and that the study will take approximately 30 minutes. Subsequently,
participants were asked to give their informed
consent before taking any further step. After
completion of the study, participants were thanked
for their participation, rewarded with Sona credits
and were invited to contact one of the researchers
in case of any questions. Eligibility requirements,
as stated in the beginning of the research, included
proficiency in English and a minimum age of 18
Design analysis plan
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
was used to implement all analyses, including the
testing of the in this research included hypotheses
and the calculation of the descriptive statistics.
The design of the current study was descriptive
and cross-sectional. Several steps in the data
analysis were executed to be able to answer the
research questions and to either accept or reject
the hypotheses that were formulated. All cases that
potentially could distort the results of the study,
such as non-completion of the questionnaires,
were considered for exclusion.
The two hypotheses were tested using the
MEDIATE file developed by Hayes and Preacher
[26]. Two mediation analyses were implemented
to answer the hypotheses. The first included a
stress-is-debilitating mindset and the second a
stress-is-enhancing mindset as an independent
variable. Both analyses incorporated DT as a
mediator, anxiety as a dependent variable and
gender as a covariate. The dataset of the current
study included a small sample (N=104), which is
not a sufficient sample size to achieve a statistical
high power [27]. The problems of the small sample
size to achieve enough statistical power could be
circumvented because the method a bootstrapping
method that increases power [28]. Furthermore,
there has been substantial evidence that there
is a significant difference in distress tolerance
between males and females. Simons and Gaher
showed that females scored significantly lower on
the distress tolerance scale compared to females
[4]. Therefore, the current study controlled for
gender. Only significant differences regarding the
included variables were mentioned.
The MEDIATE file by Hayes and Preacher
incorporated the completely standardised
indirect effect of x on y, including a bootstrapped
interval that indicated whether an indirect effect
was significant or not [26]. Non-standardised
indirect effects were calculated for each of 5,000 bootstrapped samples and a 95% confidence
interval was calculated by determining indirect
effects at the 2.5th and 95.5th percentiles. The
effect size set at 0.1 (small), 0.3 (medium) and 0.5
(large) to determine the magnitude of the observed
effect. An indirect effect of DT on the relation
between the respective stress mindset and anxiety
could be confirmed if the confidence interval of
the completely standardised indirect effect did not
include the number zero [29].
Descriptive statistics
The descriptive statistics, including the mean,
Standard Deviation (SD) and Pearson correlations
are illustrated in Table 1. All correlations were in
the expected direction (Table 1).
Table 1. Descriptive statistics and correlations (R=Range on Likert-scale).
N |
M |
R |
SD |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Stress-is-enhancing-mindset |
104 |
2.69 |
1-5 |
0.73 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Stress-is-debilitating-mindset |
104 |
2.62 |
1-5 |
0.76 |
-0.60** |
- |
- |
- |
Distress tolerance |
104 |
2.95 |
1-5 |
0.81 |
0.19 |
-0.37** |
- |
- |
Anxiety |
104 |
2026 |
1-4 |
0.63 |
0.08 |
0.21* |
-0.63** |
- |
Note: Mean standard deviation and person’s r correlation between all variables.*p<0.05; **p<0.01. |
Stress-is-debilitating mindset
The total variance exhibited by the model reached
significance (R²=0.21, F (2, 101) = 13.28,
p<0.001). Gender was a significant covariate in the
current model (β=-0.28, t (104) = 2.22, p<0.01).
The association between a stress-is-debilitating
mindset and anxiety was insignificant (β= -0.01,
t (104) = -.15, p=0.88), and the association
between a stress-is-debilitating mindset and DT
was significant and negative (β=-0.30, t (104) =
-3.32, p<0.001). Furthermore, DT was negatively
associated with anxiety (β=-0.65, t (104) = -7.43,
p<0.001). In sum, a stress-is-debilitating mindset
was associated with lower levels of DT but not
with heightened levels of anxiety, and lower levels of DT were associated with heightened levels of
anxiety. The bootstrapped standardised indirect
effect did not include zero (β=0.20; (0.10, 0.31)).
The indirect effect of DT was thus statistically
significant. In line with the hypothesis, a stressis-
debilitating mindset was associated with higher
levels of anxiety, which was mediated by low
levels of DT (Figure 3).
Stress-is-enhancing mindset
The total variance exhibited by the model reached
marginal significance (R²=0.40, F (2,101) = 32.96,
p<0.06). Gender was no significant covariate in the
current model (β=-0.04, t (104) = -0.44, p=0.66).
In contrast to the second hypothesis, a stress-isenhancing
mindset was not associated with higher
levels of anxiety (β=-0.08, t (104) =-0.8, p=0.43).
The association between a stress-is-enhancing
mindset and DT was marginally significant
(β=0.19, t (104) = 1.94, p=0.06). Moreover, DT
was negatively associated with anxiety (β=-0.64,
t (104) = -8.16, p<0.001). In sum, as stressis-
enhancing mindset was not associated with
lower levels of anxiety but marginally related
to heightened levels of DT. Furthermore, higher
levels of DT were associated with lower levels of
anxiety. The bootstrapped standardised indirect
effect did not include zero (β=-0.12; (-0.24,
-0.01)). The findings thus supported hypothesis
2. Although a stress-is-enhancing mindset was
not associated with lower levels of anxiety, a
mediational effect of DT on the relation between
a stress-is-enhancing mindset and anxiety was
observed (Figure 4).
The purpose of the current research was to
investigate the relation between mindset towards
stress, DT and anxiety. It was assumed that the
relation between stress mindset and anxiety is
mediated by DT. For the first hypothesis, it was
predicted that a stress-is-debilitating mindset is
associated with higher levels of anxiety, which is
mediated by lower levels of DT. For the second
hypothesis, it was predicted that a stress-isenhancing
mindset is associated with lower levels
of anxiety, which is mediated by higher levels of
DT. Both mediational hypotheses were supported.
Gender as a covariate in the stress-is-debilitating
model yielded significance. A factor analysis
yielded support for the division of the SMM into
two different subscales.
Crum et al., suggested two different stress
mindsets, as manifested in a stress-is-debilitating
and a stress-is-enhancing mindset, to measure
the mindset towards stress [1]. The in the current
study stress mindset measure was not developed to
measure two different mindsets. Nevertheless, the
SMM was divided into two subscales to measure both the stress-is-debilitating and the stress-isenhancing
mindset. The current study found a
correlation of r=-0.60 between both stress mindset
measures, indicating that both stress mindset
measures are two related, but separate constructs.
Furthermore, a factor analysis conducted in the
current study supported a two-factorial solution
for the SMM, legitimating the division of the
stress mindset scale into two subscales. Keyes et
al., found that mental health and mental illness
reflect two separate continua [29]. A stress-isenhancing
mindset might be more related to
mental health than to mental illness due to its
promoting effects on mood and physiological
resilience. The opposite would be true for a stressis-
debilitating mindset, which might be, due to
its negative effects on DT and anxiety, in that it
decreases DT and increases anxiety, more related
to mental illness than mental health.
Crum et al., suggested that the mindset towards
stress an individual endorses determines the
attitude and the manner with which an individual
deals with stress [1]. It was shown that individuals
adopting stress-is-debilitating mindset exhibit
behavioural patterns aimed to avoid distress and its detrimental consequences. Subsequently, those
individuals who avoid or escape anxiety-related
contexts miss opportunities to develop self-efficacy
to withstand those emotional states, may become
thus less habituated to feared sensations and more
prone to experience increased levels of anxiety.
In line with this array of research, the current
research established a strong link between a stressis-
debilitating mindset and heightened anxiety.
The relation between a stress-is-debilitating
mindset and anxiety was assumed to be mediated
by DT, since those who are unable to confront
themselves with emotional stressful situations
become less habituated towards fear and should
therefore be less able to withstand corresponding
situations. In line with this reasoning, the present
study established a mediation effect of DT on the
relation between a stress-is-debilitating mindset
and levels of anxiety.
The findings of the current study are in line with
scientific findings. Crum et al., states that attempts
to reduce arousal often have negative effects
of their own [30]. Trying to relax or avoid the
arousal experienced while stressed can lead to
experiential avoidance, which has been defined
as the avoidance or suppression of a wide array
of psychological experiences such as sensations,
emotions, thoughts and urges. Paradoxically,
experiential avoidance can increase negative
thoughts and anxiety and prevent us from taking
any necessary action to deal with the arousal
[31,32]. Wegner et al., argues that trying not to be
anxious yields an (1) operating process aimed at
increasing relaxing and neutral thoughts and (2) a
monitoring process aimed to monitor and reduce
anxiety-related thoughts [32]. The operating
process requires, however, greater cognitive
capacities. Under conditions that reduce capacity,
the monitoring process may supersede the
operating processes and enhances an individual’s
sensitivity towards mental content which are an
ironic opposite of those that were intended. If the
monitor is then freed so that thoughts regarding
anxiety are not monitored anymore, the product
will be an ironic barrage of anxiety-related
thoughts. Avoiding emotions such as anxiety can
thus, conversely to the attempt to reduce anxiety,
elevate levels of anxiety.
Furthermore, the second hypothesis was supported.
Crum et al., contention is that a stress-is-enhancing
mindset, compared to a stress-is-debilitating
mindset, leads to more positive adaptions, such as moderate cortisol reactivity that allow dealing
successfully with stress [1]. Correspondingly,
individuals endorsing a stress-is-enhancing
mindset exhibit more approach-oriented behaviour
patterns when confronted with stress. Those
who approach anxiety-related contexts receive
opportunities to develop strategies to withstand
those emotional states and as a result may display
lower anxiety levels. In line with this reasoning,
the present study established a mediation effect of
DT on the relation between a stress-is-enhancing
mindset and levels of anxiety. Crum et al., view a
move towards stress as essential. Moving towards
stress makes stress less menacing [30]. Strategies
such as rumination, in contrast, may interfere with
problem solving, alienate social support or even
increase further additional cognitive distortions
[33,34]. Therefore, the act of welcoming stress
into an individual’s life and mind can increase
sense of control and decrease anxiety levels.
The current research employed a mediation
analysis developed by Hayes and Preacher to
test both hypotheses [26]. This approach does
not require a normal distribution of the sample
population since it uses a bootstrapping method,
nor does it require the Baron and Kenny criteria
such as a significance of coefficients a and b in order
to confirm a mediational effect of m on the relation
between x and y. Further, the Baron and Kenny
approach exhibits severe statistical problems
such as frequent low statistical power and leads
further to frequent incorrect statistical conclusions
and interpretations. E.g., the conclusion that a
mediation effect is present necessitates, according
to Baron and Kenny, that the total effect of ‘x’ to
‘y’ was initially present (which was e.g. not the
case in the mediation models of the current study)
[35]. There is, however, no such assumption in the
assessment of indirect effects. It is possible to find
significant indirect or mediational effects even if
there is no evidence for a total effect. Finally, the
current study incorporated two stress mindsets which
might be related either to mental health and mental
illness. Teng et al., argue that an exclusive focus on
identification of mental illness or mental health runs
the risk of missing to detect those who exhibit low
or high levels of the other [36]. Correspondingly, the
current study divided the SMM into two subscales,
offering thus more insights about how individuals
score both on a stress-enhancing mindset and a
stress-is-debilitating mindset.
Future Research
The results of the current study raise some
questions to be investigated in further studies.
Firstly, gender was a significant covariate in the
mediation of DT on the relation between a stressis-
debilitating mindset and anxiety. In line with
this finding, Barnett et al., suggest that gender
determines whether a situation will be perceived
a stressful; women e.g. find themselves in more
stressful situations and appraise threatening events
as more stressful than men do [37-42]. Also, the
literature may account for gender differences in
how individuals perceive stress: Matud suggests
that the traditional female gender role prescribes
dependence, affiliation, emotional expressiveness
and a lack of assertiveness [40]. The traditional
male role, in contrast, prescribes attributes such
as autonomy, assertiveness, self-confidence,
instrumentality and being goal-oriented, making it
difficult for men to accept and express feelings of
weakness and incompetence, while for women it
would make it more difficult to endorse a proactive
problem-solving attitude. The literature indicates
that men are prone to identify with male attributes
and thus may evaluate stress more positive
or express their attitude towards stress more
positively due to their socializing [43]. Further
research may investigate the link between stressmindset,
DT and anxiety. Finally, further may
investigate whether a stress-is-enhancing-and a
stress-is-debilitating mindset reflect two different
continua, as mental health and mental illness, and
whether the former relates more to mental health
and the latter more to mental illness.
Several limitations emerged during the researcher
process. Firstly, the sample was homogenous in
that most participants were of German nationality
and twice as young as the normal population
[44,45]. Younger individuals e.g. may exhibit
different levels of anxiety compared to older
individuals. Secondly, several students did not
complete all questionnaires. Similar to nonresponse
rates, non-completion of questionnaires
may entail that certain population characteristics
are misrepresented, because parts of a population
with certain characteristics might be less inclined
to complete questionnaires [46-48]. Johnes and
Taylor e.g. treat non-completion itself as an
aspect of university attainment in a university
sample population (p.220), implying that that
non-completion is related low academic success [49]. Thirdly, the design of the current study was
descriptive and therefore no causations were
tested [50-55]. Causations cannot be established
from a descriptive design [56-60].
The current study established a mediational
effect of DT on the relation between a stress-isdebilitating
mindset and anxiety and of DT on the
relation between a stress-is-debilitating mindset
and anxiety. Whether stress mindset results in
greater or lower levels of anxiety depends largely
on an individual’s ability to withstand or tolerate
distress. DT can explain varying levels of anxiety
and is a major indicator in determining the
influence of stress mindset on anxiety.
Cultivating a resilient mindset involves developing
coping mechanisms, enhancing emotional
intelligence, and building a support network.
Recognizing that stress is an inevitable part of
life, individuals can learn to navigate challenges
with a constructive mindset, ultimately reducing
the likelihood and severity of anxiety. Promoting
mental well-being involves fostering a balanced
approach to stress, emphasizing self-care, and
seeking professional support when needed.
The author would like to express his sincerest
gratitude and thanks to Elisabeth Gesina Diek,
my good friend and colleague, Stefan Meyer and
the chief managing director of the St. Franziskus-
Hospital, Carsten Röder.
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Citation: Distress Tolerance As A Mediator Of The Relation Between Stress Mindset And Anxiety ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, Vol.
25 (2) February, 2024; 1-12.